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There’s nothing like being in a rush to get someplace and having your kid throw a wrench in your plans.  I was on my way to church dressed in my black suit and official attire.  My friend, who had generously volunteered to watch my infant and toddler, was meeting me at the park.  When we arrive, I pick up my infant son and what happens?  You guessed it…he had pooped everywhere, ugh!  So, here I am in the narrow front seat of my car trying to clean up my baby, not pass out from the smell and keep any from getting on me.  What a day that was!

I’m sure I’m not the only one to have experienced these unexpected happenings!  Like when you just know the kids are ready to go only to walk into the kitchen to find hair still uncombed, no shoes on, teeth unbrushed and face unwashed. Did they not hear me say, “We need to leave in 15 minutes!”  But, what do we do?  We take the time to comb hair, coax them to brush their teeth, help them put on their shoes and quickly wipe their faces.

This is the story of motherhood.  We clean up messes, we take care of needs and still find a way to laugh at the silly moments.

I have 3 kids and they keep me running!  Literally!  I run in the mornings to clear my head before my day begins.  If I could encourage us moms to do one thing, it would be to find a moment in every day to clear your head.  The closet, the bathroom, a run, a walk, a drive or simply the closing of your eyes…and take a few cleansing breaths.  Intentionally make a space for this so that you can start on top of your day instead of your day starting on top of you!