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Alright, who’s out there busting tail every day working out? Come on, I know you’re out there! My neighborhood streets have been busy with individuals, couples and groups of three (there’s one cute trio of little old ladies that I see almost every morning) walking, jogging and biking. They seem to have adjusted to life as we are coming to know it. It excites me to be out with them getting fresh air, viewing nature and observing the changing landscape.

But not everyone is in this place. Some have struggled to settle into a new pattern of movement. Children are homeschooling, people are working remotely, large scale events have been canceled, personal social engagement is non-existent. Our travel has decreased and our going out is minimal if at all. Add to that the lethargy that results from being home inactive and you have a recipe for weight gain and couch potato-ism.

One thing that has helped me maintain an exercise routine is coupling it with intention. When I’m out jogging (or walking), I recite affirmations to govern my day. Instead of allowing my thoughts to roam, I deliberately focus them on biblical passages, an encouraging word or uplifting song. I try not to contemplate a list of tasks or even consider what responsibilities need to be completed as many times that brings on worry and anxiety. No, I arrest these precious moments as my time to promote positive energy and good thoughts. It leaves me centered and sets an affirmative tone for my day. I return home ready to work, meet the needs of my family and make a small difference in my piece of the world.