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I’ll never forget the mixture of emotions I experienced when the plane took off from Northwest Arkansas Airport headed to Cancun, Mexico for my honeymoon.  I was full of excitement and anticipation, but also fear.  I felt that I was truly leaving everything I’d known for a life I couldn’t even try to imagine.  When we returned from our honeymoon, I would be moving out of my parent’s home and going to a new home 3 hours away.  Distance never bothered me because I knew that I could visit but the understanding that I now ‘belonged’ to someone else was slightly unnerving.  Honestly, I barely knew my husband.  We met through a mutual friend, had a long-distance dating relationship and married 7 months after meeting!

As is typical, we had lots of fun on the honeymoon.  But I got sick the last day, and it became our first test.  My husband says I was crying for my mom.  Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t … what is certain is that I wanted to go home!  Anybody know what I mean?  Maybe you didn’t get sick, but something occurred during the first weeks of marriage that caused you to realize that you really had just ventured into a new life…a life for which nothing really prepares you!

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